Sunday, February 1, 2009

Perusing and Presenting Piles of Personal Papers

I brought all of the documents, I have been protecting with my life, to our local Bethany office on Friday. All those papers represent our new daughter. Those papers have been obsessed over, panicked about, copied numberous times, prayed over, longed for and proofread again and again. It was hard to give them up, it made me pause. But alas, we will see them again. They will soon be state sealed, and then off to be authenticated. I hope when it's time to get them authenticated, the Consulate does not laugh and refuse them because they are from IL. Just kidding--a little sarcasm about IL corrupt politics.

Austin wrote a little journal in first grade on the "I have a dream" MLK theme. He was asked what his dreams were for himself and his family and they were both about bringing home baby sister. What a sweet kid! He has a great heart. (By the way, he just had another great Ped. Cardiologist checkup, woohoo.)

Happy Sunday!!
