Friday, August 21, 2009

Ice Cream for Lunch

So me and the kids are driving around running errands as usual. Except today I couldn't get my rear out of the house until 11:45, the exact time when everyone is hungry, or in Austin's case.....starving to death. In my budget conscious effort to save a buck, I offer the kids a dollar menu item from MCD. As we are sitting in the drive-thru arguing about what the meaning of ONE ITEM FROM THE DOLLAR MENU is, I announce that my choice is an ice cream cone. That sparked the "can I have ice cream for lunch too?" challenge from the back seat.

Just when I was about to start in on the "no sweets until your protien source is consumed" and "do as I say, not as I do" lecture....I caved, and brought unexpected joy to my two favorite little people. Why don't we do this more often? I know for me, I fall into this trap of following rules, that are set by who? Don't the strawberries in the dollar sundae count as maybe a 1/2 of a serving of fruit? The nutritional value of the ice cream is probably better than that of a McDouble anyway. So I was FUNMOM for a few minutes today, and I also let them stay up until 10:30, but that was because we had friends over and the kids were doing handstands--you just can't send them to bed when they are doing handstands. Not in my house.

Summer is nearly over, I am going to miss it! I will have entirely too much time on my hands to devote to office and housework. Maybe I will re-arrange(clean) the girl's room in anticipation for baby sister. That could take a day. Maybe paint over the orange family room walls or file all of 2008 papers and maybe start on 2009. That would really shake things up around here.

No news to report on the adoption front. Bethany reports they make matches quite often, so I guess it's just wait and see. I don't like waiting. I'm just not a good waiter. Never have been. Too old to change now. Stay tuned.