Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

I know......what happened to Wordless? Just a note to say that these are random orphange photos I found online. We really don't need to say a lot.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


We heard today that we have officially been LOGGED IN. LID=Log in Date. Which means our Dossier has been received and entered into the system. This is a huge step. When we are matched with Baby Sister, the CCAA will find our papers, review them, and accept us! That's the short of it. I'll save the l--o--n--g of it for another time.

This is NOT an April Fools post, but I got my daughter pretty good this morning. I felt her forehead and told her she had a pretty high fever. She was quite worried for a second before I came out with the "APRIL FOOLS!" She proceded to get her brother with--"The blonde dog took a huge POO on the floor in your room!". He did not find that very funny. I did!

So we are taking suggestions for names for baby sister. We would like to stick with a 2-syllable ending in an N name. Middle names too, we have some preliminary ones picked out and we will possibly incorporate her Chinese name somewhere. Click on comments below and enter your suggestions. I will publish them all in one post soon, or send them to my -email address: debk0925 @

Happy April!
