Thursday, January 20, 2011

Leaps and Bounds!

Things are going so well for us.  Jadyn is an amazing little girl!  It's hard to believe the way she is changing and leaning so quickly.

Some basic things she has learned to do:
Suck on a bottle
Smile when smiled at
Give Kisses and hugs
empty 2 tupperware drawers

She sleeps at night about 9ish hours and for an hour during the day.  Of course, there are the occasional catnaps in the car!

Speaking is slow, but she can sign: more, all done, come here, no-no--not exactly ASL but sort of a modified version of such.  Words she tries hard at:  Baba, Lily, more, Maggie, up.  Her receptive language is amazing.  She understands much more.  This is normal for little ones acquiring a new language, and she will have problems, most likely due to her cleft, but she is making some pretty good consonant sounds, like guh and ck.  We are working on puh.

It's really nice to be home and back to business as usual (only new and improved).  The holidays were fun,but.........a little crazed.  I have had a cold forever and Jadyn just got over her second ear infection, so we have missed church and a couple of other outings, but it's so nice to be able to sit back and enjoy Jadyn.  She keeps us all on our toes and she just adores Shannon and Austin.

Our niece, Paige, took this picture and customized it.  So sweet!  Thanks Paige!

Winter Fun!

Hanging with Mama.

Big Girl.

She's actually pulling Shannon's hair here.  Sisterly love!

Soooooo Big!

I agree, we are blessed beyond belief.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wuhan--Hubei, China

Here's some pictures of our hotel room--for a cyberbuddy who is travelling soon.  Enjoy!
STanding next to the TV, which is at the foot of the bed.

This is looking at the door from the hallway.  It's the coffee/tea area, but the mini-bar is under the tv strangely enough.  Also on either side are 2 closets--loved the storage.

Here the bathroom is on the right, and I am standing by the TV but faced the opposite way.

Dwayne playing magnadoodle with Jadyn.  He is sitting up against the sofa.  There was a glass (impractical) coffee table in this area that we slid under the desk.  I am standing right by the bed. are a few more pictures from our time in Hubei.

This is pretty typical of what is outside the hotel.  There are the overpass crosswalks as well as tunnels that take you over or under the streets, even though there are plenty of brave Chinese who cross the streets.  The driving is just as crazy as Beijing, not as many horns, but more bicycles and scooters on the sidewalks!

Watch your step everywhere.  It's not a mess, but the walks are not maintained everywhere very well, some places are great, some not so much.

Now, here are a few pictures of the Civil affairs office.

Waiting area

Our little Angel!  Office in the background.

By the way, MCK, your little guy is amazingly adorable.  So glad you got new pictures and an update.  If I come across anymore you might be interested in, I will let you know.