Monday, August 30, 2010

Incompetence with a Happy Ending

9:30 am:  call Supervisor at USCIS(immigration, but I have some optional other names), get routed to voicemail, left a message
10:30am: get a return call from Supervisor at USCIS
11:15am: get an email with the wrong approval
11:16am: call back and speak to a thoroughly confused Supervisor
12:05pm:  send an email pleading for the correct approval
12:37pm: call and get routed to voicemail, left a message
1:30pm:  call, and get routed to voicemail again, left a louder message
1:30pm:  get a return call from Supervisor at USCIS stating all the reasons why I don't have this approval  yet, I heard her say:  "blah, blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, blah, blah".
1:50pm:  get an email with the actual approval in it, WITH THE NAME SPELLED WRONG
1:51pm:  call back and speak/cry to Supervisor at USCIS teller her my daughter-to-be's name is spelled wrong
2:09pm:  get an email with the actual and correct approval.  They will mail the original.
2:37pm:  ship necessary documents to Bethany Christian Services Grand Rapids, MI
2:45pm: order a Venti Sugar Free Caramel Frappuccino, ahhhhhh--thank you Jesus!

I feel like I have been beaten with a bat.

So the happy ending is that this day is over, paperworkwise, and I am at home with my beautiful family and I don't have to cook dinner because I have a wonderful husband who is amazing and I am blessed.  How's that for Choosing Joy?  Confession time:  Joy went out of the picture for much of my day!

The papers will be on their way to China this week......and thankfully we have yet another governmental redundancy to contend with, but the margin for error is very slim.  They will be delivered to the US Consulate to begin the application for Jadyn's immigration visa, after they match up all our paperwork, Bethany will get them to the Chinese govt, who will then issue our travel approval.  A few weeks for the first part and then a few more weeks to get travel approval.



Anonymous said...

aaarrrggghhh!! how frustrating! You totally deserve that beverage. Way to be persistent, get done what needs to be done and then put it behind you and look ahead to that beautiful family and the daughter that will be here soon! *hugs* ~kerri

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb, Kathy Bavec here at your in-laws reading your blog - I am so blessed by your attitude and honesty through this process - God IS working to bring you and Jadyn together! I am praying for you and Dwayne as you wait.... Love, Kathy