Sunday, December 5, 2010


Trying to avoid the camera.

Looking through the bridge

In the Play Room at the hotel

I love this.

Baba's head is usually under the right foot.

Things are great here.  Jadyn is doing well. She is sleeping pretty good at night.  She is a very active sleeper and last night cried quite a bit, but never woke up.  So many changes for her--new people, places, smells, food,clothes, etc.  She is certainly an amazing child and we are head over heels.  I don't want to paint everything all roses--she has screaming fits, we get hit and pinched and head butted, too, but we know it will take time.  I cannot even imagine what's going through her little head.  We are glad to see her showing emotion, even if it's anger and frustration at times.  She is now looking for us to help her with things, and is beginning to trust a little more.

The weather here is amazing, tomorrow is expected to be in the 80's.  


Nadia said...

This might be my favorite post... not just because the pics are so darn cute but because there is such wisdom in your words. This is a journey... and your wisdom will serve you well... in times of struggle and of joy. We continue to keep you in prayer. :)

Denise Joy said...

Now for sure I will want to see you at "Walmart" with all 3 of your children. Just loving and crying as I read your blog. This is a journey but remember Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. That is what you are doing and God's strength will see you through. Even when your not sure what to do next which comes with brining up any child. Can't wait to meet your new little girl. Denise

Unknown said...

That sleeping picture is adorable. :) So glad things are going so well!