Friday, July 23, 2010

Awwww, How Cute!

Like cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a distant land.
Proverbs 25:25

Jadyn 15 months

It's not what we were expecting, but sometimes the Lord has ways of answering prayers, that we just don't understand.  I'm choosing JOY, or at least trying to during the wait for documents and senseless beaurocratic stubbornness
I woke up to 7 new pictures of Jadyn in my inbox.  I love waking up to good email!  I cannot even describe how thankful I am to have these new pictures--the only other ones we have are from last December.
Help me figure out what size she is.....I'm guessing 18 months.  Keep in mind she is not a huge Dutch baby and throw what averages you may know out the window and just give me an estimate from the pictures.  Does the camera add 10 lbs for babies too? 

Did I say I love these pictures?  I cannot wait to hold this girl!  I have been given a peace that she is OK while we work through the mountains of.....let's call it--the wait for documents and senseless beaurocratic stubbornness.  One of the things that gives me hope is when I finally get to hold her, I won't remember a single thing about the difficulty getting there. 

Have a good weekend!  I know I will!


Anonymous said...


I can only imagine how wonderful it was to open up your inbox and find these beautiful pictures! Jadyn is a beautiful little girl, and I'm sure every time you catch a new glimpse of her, you fall deeper in love with your new little one. :-) Sorry, it's been too long for me to figure out baby sizes! My oldest is getting married this coming week!
Blessings....praying for all the paper work to finally be done!

Carole Voss

SRR said...

Oh my, oh my! She is darling! How good is our God that he gave you a waiting present? That was so thoughtful of Him. Onto clothes. She looks pretty little. Smaller than Anna? I think so. I'll bet 18 months is going to be a safe bet. Anna is wearing 24 mts and 2T. Some 2Ts (Gymboree for example) she swims in. I'll hang on to things too and you can go through them if you'd like.