Thursday, July 8, 2010

Baby Gear

Now that we are back from vacation, I think it's time to get the baby gear list in order.  I will be needing some assistance from y'all on this one.  We have a crib, but are fully prepared to do whatever it takes to get sleep, whether it's in our bed--we just got a new beautiful, wonderful, large mattress, or her crib, or pack & play, whatever. 

We have a changing table, some basic baby toys, feeding supplies--bottles, formula (yes, I am keeping her on formula, just relax) blankets, diapers.  What I need a recommendation for is a stroller and carseat.  Keep in mind she is 15 months. 

Also, I'm thinking about a carrier for using in China.  It will probably still be pretty hot when we go (September?) and as much as I love the looks and sturdyness of the Ergo or Beco carriers, they look HOT, as in sweaty.

Ergo Carrier

I'm thinking a sling would probably be cooler.  I think the fact that we will need all the bonding help we can muster and China is not too stroller-friendly (so I have been told), will warrant some sort of carrier.  I have an old Hotslings that is a little small for me, so it's time for a new one.

This one is a Hotslings  it's pretty (and reversible for the Hubs), and a whole lot cheaper.  Then......there's the wrap--HOT, but practical.  They also make (or I could make) a RingSling   which looks pretty practical and completly adjustable.  What to do, what to do?

Ok, so what else do I need?  High chair or booster that straps on to a chair?  I have a baby pool floaty,so we're all set in that department!  It's been a while since Austin was a tot and we did not keep too much.  Maybe a ride-on toy for in the house or some musical activity center thingy?  What did/do your kids love?

I am also happy to hear any ideas for entertaining a baby on an airplane for hours and hours. 
Last request, just pray for these approvals we need.  It's hard waiting, we should have had our immigration approval by now, it's been 30 days, grrrrr.  Then we have to wait another week-2 weeks for a paper before we can submit it back to China for them to get our Travel papers ready.  It just seems so far away and I am getting discouraged and anxious.  I just want to get to Jadyn!


Kerri said...

I just took a look at ebay and there are tons of hotslings cheap. Have any friends with 15-month-old kiddos that you can take to babies-r-us and try them out? They make my neck sore looking at them but you're much tougher than me :). Hope that paperwork comes soon!! ~Kerri

SRR said...

My girlfriends love the Moby wrap. Here's the link for it:

I myself do not have a high chair that hooks onto tables in restaurants etc., I usually just bring in the stroller for that job. Again, a lot of the gfriends have them and love them. As she is 15 months, I think I would opt for the booster that straps onto a chair... seems very practical.

Exersaucers are the bomb. Do it.

My stroller is also the bomb. Next time I see you remind me to let you test run it. It's an Inglesina Zippy. HUGE canopy, 5 position adjustable seat, and it completely folds with one hand. People stop me all the time over this feature.

As for the plane. Sugar free suckers? Portable dvd player? Dramamine? Oh wait I got it, prayer, we will be praying over you for that!

And of course, I am praying for speed for you to get to your baby.

Learning to Love the Chaos said...

Hey, Deb. Play-doh works well on the plane. It's not like she'll eat it with you playing with it with her. Perhaps headphones and soothing music, too? Hopefully she'll just want to stare at you guys!

I'll take a look around the house as to what we might have doubles of, but now that I think of it, your Jadyn and Andy are about the same age, so more or less at the same stage of everything.

I'm also going to forward your link to our friends the Battaglias who came home from China nearly 8 years ago with their little girl (not so little anymore) in case they have any advice. Good luck!