Friday, November 26, 2010

The Great Great Wall

It was indeed.
Check out this CRAZY man, it was no one we knew.

A little more our style!

Today, we also visited a Cloisonne factory, had an authentic Chinese dinner (although our guide told us it was not really authentic, but Americanized. We were also given the opportunity to spend tens of thousands on some Jade sculptures. Only 420000 rmb for this really excellent looking bull figure.

Besides the Great Wall, the most fun thing of the day was the local grocery store. We found some ordinary, unusual and just plain bizzarre things there, but all we bought was snacks and water.

We do a bit of touring tomorrow and Sunday. Monday, we will go to Jadyn's province and in the afternoon, we get her!! Only 3 more sleeps till Jadyn.



Shanna Banana said...

again:why didn't you take me there???????? as i am typing this lily is running around the house like crazy looking for you. he he i love you!

Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you!!!! These pictures are bringing back so many memories!!!! I can't believe we have had Brayden for a month, and we have been home 21 days!!! I can't wait for more updates.

Heather Besch

Kathryn said...

Hi Deb & Dwayne! This is so exciting! So happy you made it there safely. I have the chills to think how close you are to your precious girl... brings back so many memories.
Enjoy every moment...

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Kathy DV

Cheryl V. said...

Dwayne and Deb,
Been keeping up with the news from family members...I can't even believe you are there! Today is Sat. afternoon here, so it's Sun. morning there if I'm figuring right. That means only one more sleep (yeah, like you'll really get any sleep) until you meet your girl! I'm so excited! Keep blogging if you can...inquiring minds (ok, mostly me) want to know ;). Love and super duper bear hugs, Cheryl