Tuesday, November 23, 2010

On our way.

So, the husband comes home from having dinner out with a friend, and decides the house must be cleaned before our departure.  Not exactly in my plans.  Cleaning never is.  The kids helped, I triplechecked our bags, again.  49.5lbs, I told him the shoes had to go, but he says if I get 2 pair, he does too.  We are fine until Monday when we have to be down to 44lbs.   For the record, we only have 1 suitcase a carry-on and a backpack.  It's what works.

I haven't gotten nervous, yet.  It'll probably come out in the morning on the drive in.  Sorry, in advance to our brave family member airport transport!

We had ice cream together for the last time as a family of 4.  Got the high chair booster thingy ready, crib assembled, car seat installed, supplies on hand for when we return, food in the freezer. 

It's time!


Kim said...

Congrats Deb - hope it is a safe and successful trip!

Rick said...

safe journey to you both!

Kris Hogan said...

So very excited for you all!!!! Yeah, the time is finally here! Congrats and prayers for smooth travel and transition!

Amy said...

Have a wonderful trip, Deb! Just FYI, my bags were over 44 pounds, actually over 50, and I never got charged : )

Anonymous said...

bye mommy! i miss you and have fun (but not too much)
Shannon XOXOXO